Available puppies

We only have 6 puppies available currently. Shown below are random recent photos of the 3 older ones.

Sandee is the oldest born on 3/17/19. She is the only older female and is a small standard weighing about 50 lbs full grown. F3b- born to Rose and Charlie

Sam is a medium Silver/Charcoal F3b goldendoodle born 3/19/2019 born to Katie and Charlie

Lastly is our medium Charcoal F3b male born 3/31/19 born to Addison and Charlie. We call him Simon.

 Health tested parents. Completely dewormed. Checked, vaccinated, micro chipped and Florida Health Certificates. Covered flea and heartworm prevention. Raised on ENS and Puppy Culture protocols. All 3 are all house, crate and leash trained. They know basic commands. They have had lots of exposure to everything including car riding. They are raised around children, all size dogs, cats, and chickens. They love car rides and does well in public. They are very desensitized to baths, nail clipping, dremels, clippers and blow dryers and they get bathes every few days. Im a groomer by trade so all my equipment is professional grade. They have scored beautifully on the Volhard aptitude test and has working potentials. They are critical thinkers and loves to please. Contract with health guarantee, life time support and a large starter pack that includes: guide, blanket with litter/moms scent, leash and collar, toys, treats, sample of kibble, potty bags and brush. We are in South West Florida and can ship via ground or air. We will be happy to meet too if necessary.

All puppies on this page are currently available and can be homed now. Call to make an appointment to come play and take your baby home.

We are located in Arcadia, Florida. Southwest Florida east of I-75 inland.

Appointments available to come visit play and pick your puppy or we can help you long distance. These are very smart, easily trainable, social and friendly. They are so curious, playful, loving and social and will be ready for any active family or older home environment. They are calm by nature and are all F3bs. None Shedding and None Dander. All have been vet checked and cleared and have their up to date puppy shot and Bordetella vaccination. They all come with a Florida Health Certified. They are all micro-chipped for easy identification and you will receive the registration information.  Every puppy has their own big binder with copies of all the parents’ health clearances, Trupanion insurance enrollment form, contract and more. We offer a solid 4-year health Guarantee and stand behind each and every puppy homed that has my name behind it.  We send them with a puppy pack with a blank, and other accessories and a life time of team support for anything you may need. Knudawn@yahoo.com



Roses’ girlPlease check knudawn.com for more photos

Roses’ girl

Please check knudawn.com for more photos


