Why Goldendoodles Are the Perfect Family Pet

Why Goldendoodles Are the Perfect Family Pet

Feature image

Alt text- A Goldendoodle with snow on his chin and nose

Every parent knows that feeling of constantly being asked for a dog by their kids. Whenever you see someone with a dog walking by, you know your child will immediately start pleading with you to get one. You have another important decision if you finally fulfilled your children’s wishes. What dog to get? Not every dog breed suits families and making the right choice there is essential. You must find dogs to make your family happy and thrive in that environment. Well, we are here to tell you don’t have to wrack your brain any further. Goldendoodle is the pet for you. Yes, this gorgeous mix of the Golden Retriever and a Poodle is one of the best choices in this scenario. If you are still unsure, read our article and let us explain why Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet.

Caption-Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet because they are intelligent and easy to train.

Alt text- Girl training her little white dog.

They are smart

Goldendoodles, as we already said, are a mix of Golden retrievers and Poodles, and they inherited the intelligence that Poodles have. They are brilliant and quick learners. You won’t have trouble teaching your Goldendoodle basic commands like Sit, Down, Heel, Stay, etc. A well-behaved dog is a must for families. Dogs require a lot of time and effort to be trained. Some even need to be taught by professionals and are not always a good fit. Goldendoodles are very wise and know how to recognize their owners' cues quickly, so they are easily trainable. When you have a job and kids, the last thing you want to do is try and wrangle a badly behaved dog. With Goldendoodles, you will not have this issue, as Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet.

They are very friendly

The Goldendoodle is an amiable dog which is even more critical than its intelligence. If you have kids and you want to get a dog, you have to be sure that the dog is friendly, pleasant, and a good fit for little kids. And not every dog will fit into that environment. Some dogs don’t like being around children, and it makes them feel frustrated to be in that situation, and due to that frustration, they can potentially harm them. On the other hand, Goldendoodles are the complete opposite. They are friendly dogs who get along well with adults, kids, and other dogs. They got this good-natured spirit from the Golden Retriever. You won’t have to worry about leaving your kids to play with this puppy in your yard.

However, no matter how well-natured a dog is, it is still a dog, and you need to make sure your kids understand that. Explain to them that their dog is not a toy and does not like being poked and pulled. Kids sometimes get overexcited with dogs, and you won’t avoid any potential problems.

Caption- Goldendoodles are loving, especially towards kids.

Alt text- Kids playing with a puppy

Goldendoodles are loving

This breed is one of the most loving there is. Goldendoodles are very attentive to their owner’s feelings and openly show affection. They are much more likely to connect with their family and create a special bond truly. Goldendoodles’ emotional intelligence is also why they are such good therapy dogs. They can sense when someone is upset and will do their best to calm them down and help. This breed is a great companion in stressful situations or periods of grief.

They are easily adaptable

Families go through many changes over time. Maybe you have another baby, some relatives move in temporarily, or you must relocate for work. Just imagine this scenario you and your family decided on long-distance moving to Florida and hiring movers, and you want to bring your dog. And while experts can get you settled, it’s not a guarantee your dog will love it. That can cause significant issues with your pet, and this big change might traumatize your dog forever. Well, with Goldendoodles, you will not have to worry about this. This breed is easily adaptable and won’t take long to accept its new environment. Just keep the dog’s routine the same and take it for many walks, so it gets familiar with the new neighborhood. And as we said, Goldendoodles love people and will get used to any relatives or friends moving in quickly.

Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet because they are not high maintenance

A dog that’s high maintenance is not suitable for families. It’s too much work. Luckily Goldendoodles are not too hard to maintain. While they require regular daily exercise, it’s not something you can't handle. A quick walk in the morning and night is enough. They also like to play fetch in the yard with kids. Regarding grooming, there are a few simple rules to follow. You must brush them every couple of days, get them professionally groomed 2 or 3 times a year and bathe them monthly. That’s it. Simple right? They also don’t have any particular health needs. Just take your dog for a regular annual check or if you notice any worrying changes in its appearance or behavior.

Caption- All in all, Goldendoodles are amazing and will be an excellent addition to your family.

 Alt text- A light brown Goldendoodle

In Conclusion

If you are considering getting a dog for your family, the Goldendoodle is the right breed. As you can see, it has all traits a family pet needs. They are highly intelligent, so crate and potty training will be easy. This breed is also emotionally intelligent and will love your family, especially kids. You won’t have to worry about your Goldendoodle getting along with other people and pets, as it is an amiable breed thanks to its Golden Retriever characteristics.

Most importantly, they are easily adaptable to new situations and changes, often in big families. You also won’t have to worry about your furry friend’s health too much besides regular checkups. Hopefully, now you understand why Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet. All that is left now is to get your puppy!

Meta: If you are considering getting a new dog, check out our article and learn why Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet!

KW: Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet

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