How to Help Your Goldendoodle Adjust to a New Home

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Alt-tag: A Goldendoodle on a bed.

How to Help Your Goldendoodle Adjust to a New Home

Moving into a new home is both exciting and stressful. Even if you find the perfect place, you still have to deal with packing, unpacking, transporting everything, and getting to know the new neighborhood. But things get a bit trickier when you add a Goldendoodle to the mix. After all, dogs are creatures of habit, and any change in their environment can easily make them anxious. While it's true that one of the reasons why Goldendoodles are the perfect family pet is that they are easily adaptable, moving is still a stressful experience for them. To help you overcome this obstacle, we've compiled this guide on how to help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home.

To help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home, you must stick to your old routine

As previously mentioned, dogs are creatures of habit that love their routine. They enjoy waking up, eating, going for walks, and sleeping at the same time every day. Any change in their schedule will make them anxious. Therefore, it's important to try to stick to your old routine before, during, and after you move. While this might entail dropping everything just to take your Goldendoodle for a walk, it's worth it. It will soothe them and help them adjust faster to their new home.

 Caption: After you move, try to stick to your old routine, like taking a walk at the same time every day.
Alt-tag: A woman walking her Goldendoodle.

Pack their essentials separately

Packing your entire home in preparation for a move is not easy. It takes a lot of time and good organizational skills. So, you might want to consider hiring moving services in Florida. These professionals can provide you with all the moving help you need, including packing. As a result, you'll be able to focus more on your furry companion and worry less about the move.

However, even if you hire movers to take care of everything, make sure you pack a bag of essentials separately for you and your Goldendoodle. This bag should contain everything both of you will need for the first few days after the move. Otherwise, you'll waste time digging through endless moving boxes to find what you need. A dog's essentials usually include food, favorite bowls, a bed, and toys.

Set up their space first

Once you arrive at your new home, you should first unpack your dog's essentials and identify a free and quiet area to set everything up. Being surrounded by familiar items and smells will help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home faster. And don't worry, your chosen place doesn't have to be permanent. You can change it once you finish unpacking and organizing your belongings.

Furthermore, you should resist the urge to buy your dog new things after moving. If you want to buy new furniture for your home, go for it; just leave your pet's belongings alone. They'll be dealing with enough change as it is. Those old and familiar items will provide comfort and help them adjust faster.

Explore your new neighborhood together

Don't start unpacking the moment you arrive at your new home. Instead, take your Goldendoodle out for a walk and explore the surroundings together. This will help both of you adjust to your new home. You can even take advantage of this time to identify the closest grocery store, pharmacy, park, and vet. At the same time, walking will help your dog release some energy and reduce their anxiety. Continue your walks for the rest of the week, and you'll both familiarize yourselves with the new neighborhood in no time.

Make your new home dog-friendly

One of the first things you should do after you move is make your new home dog-friendly. This will help protect your Goldendoodle and your belongings from various accidents. After all, this is an unfamiliar environment that your dog will want to explore, and you should let them, as it will help them adjust. So, to reduce the risk of accidents, you should lock away all toxic products and hide cables and fragile items.

Don't leave them alone right away

No matter how many measures you take, your dog will still feel slightly anxious at first. And leaving them alone in that unfamiliar place right away will only worsen things. Therefore, you should try to remain at home for the first few days. If you can't take time off from work, try to schedule your move on a Friday so that you can spend the weekend at home. Or at least ask a close friend or family member to sit with your dog. Seeing a familiar face will help your Goldendoodle cope better with your separation.

Shower them with love

Goldendoodles are affectionate pups that get very attached to their owners. As a result, they will show you how much they love you every chance they get. But just like in any healthy relationship, you have to return the feeling. And this is more important than ever when you're moving into a new home. Even though you have a lot of things to take care of, you must always make time to shower your dog with love. This will reduce their anxiety and show them that everything is alright and that they are still important to you even though you're busy.

Caption: To help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home you must shower them with love.
Alt-tag: A woman hugging her Goldendoodle.

8 Make new friends

Once you've finished unpacking everything and you and your Goldendoodle are settled in, it's time to go out and socialize. Meeting new people and dogs will help you both adjust to your new surroundings. For instance, you can befriend some of your neighbors who have dogs. Or you can go to the park where you'll find many dog owners.

Caption: Go out with your Goldendoodle to make new friends.
Alt-tag: Two Goldendoodles playing together.

In conclusion

Moving is not easy. You have a lot of stuff to take care of in a limited amount of time, which can feel overwhelming. But regardless of how busy you are, you must also make time for your dog. This entire experience will cause them a lot of anxiety, and you're the only one who can make it easier for them. So, use this guide to help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home.

Meta Description:
Moving can cause your dog a lot of anxiety. So, take a look at this guide on how to help your Goldendoodle adjust to a new home.

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